Q: Why don't I get a CD with all of my images on it? A: First of all, studies have shown that many people NEVER even print their images once they get their disc or flash drive. It goes in to a drawer never to be seen again. There are so many pictures to go through it becomes such an overwhelming task trying to decide. Most people will never carve out enough time to actually sit and go through the images and order prints or canvas pieces on their own. That's where I come in. I will sit down with you and help guide you on your choices and eliminate the frustration you would feel if you had to do it on your own. We are a digital age. Our entire lives are online or in some cloud somewhere! And there are no guarantees that those clouds, where you have all of those pictures saved, are going to be there forever. CDs and flash drives can corrupt over time, they may even become obsolete. PRINT YOUR PICTURES!! There is an excellent article from Mike Yost Photography...I encourage you to read it, just click below and it'll take you right to it. And while you're there, check out his other blog posts that explain much of what I'm talking about here! He does a great job putting it all into perspective!
Q: But now I have to get my pictures printed from you. Why is it so much? A: Memories are priceless. I only print from the best professional labs. You have to be a professional photographer in order to have an account with certain printing labs. (And part of being a professional is running a legit business who pays taxes! Many photographers deem themselves professional, yet they do not run a legitimate business.) I promise to provide you the best possible ART for your home....timeless images of you and your family that you will have for years and years to come. Professional printing labs use only the finest papers and inks, the most durable canvas, their albums are unmatched. You WILL NOT, and I can't stress this enough, you will not get the same thing from your local chain store or pharmacy. TRUST ME! I've done the comparison and I can show it to you. And, believe it or not, I too, was a nonbeliever not so long ago. A picture is a picture...it's ink on paper. Right? Wrong. So, so wrong. Big stores don't stay in business because of their photo departments. Their equipment may not be properly maintained and the people who run it may not be properly trained. Local stores are too busy selling toys and groceries and vitamin supplements because that's what pays their bills. Is this the chance you want to take with your precious pictures?
Q: What is a "Session Fee" and what does it cover? A: A Session Fee pays for my time and creativity...I mean, that's why you booked me right? Because you think my work is the bomb! From the moment you book your session, I am working on it. Maybe I purchase certain props to make your session unique, or drive around looking for the perfect location. In addition to that, I have equipment to purchase and maintain, classes to take and books to read, cool props and backdrops to buy, bills to pay, and I log countless hours in front of the computer editing each and every one of your images to make them perfect for you.
After all is said and done, I am happy to say that the relationships I have built and the friends I've made from doing this is priceless! And that's what it's all about in the end, right? Moments. Memories. Laughter. Love. The things you just can't put a price on.